oneAPI Construction Kit Logo oneAPI Construction Kit

The oneAPI Construction Kit brings an open ecosystem to your processor. It is a framework that enables hardware platforms access to open standards, including SYCL™, and can be used to extend the oneAPI ecosystem to custom architectures for AI and HPC.

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Empower Developers with a Vibrant, Open-Ecosystem

The oneAPI Construction Kit brings the oneAPI ecosystem and a wealth of SYCL libraries to new and custom accelerators. This open ecosystem is supported and maintained by contributors from across the industry, allowing you to develop with the confidence that features and libraries will be maintained. It also means less time spent maintaining separate codebases and rewriting code, empowering your developers to innovate faster.

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Who is the Construction Kit For?

Anyone who creates their own hardware can benefit from the oneAPI Construction Kit. The Kit contains a reference implementation for RISC-V® vector processors to get you started, but can be adapted for a range of processors and is not limited to RISC-V.

Perfect If You Are
  • check_circle Developing RISC-V® Accelerators
  • check_circle Developing ARM® Accelerators
  • check_circle Designing Your Own Accelerators
  • check_circle Software Engineers in Hardware Companies
  • check_circle Enabling Compute on Existing Hardware Accelerators
Support Packages

Hardware Support

We offer tailored support arrangements for the oneAPI Construction Kit. If this is something you are interested in, contact us and a member of our team will be in touch.

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oneAPI is a cross-industry, open, standards-based unified programming model that delivers a common developer experience across accelerator architecture - for faster application performance, more productivity, and greater innovation.

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