oneAPI Construction Kit accelerates software by mapping heterogeneous software to custom processor architectures. By enabling custom hardware, such as DSPs, to be exposed in open standard programming models, a wide range of existing applications are immediately made available for acceleration on the hardware. To achieve maximum performance from the architecture, oneAPI Construction Kit has been carefully designed for flexibility of implementation via its internal ComputeMux interfaces. Included is a robust toolkit of optimization utilities for both the compiler and runtime. oneAPI Construction Kit oneAPI Construction Kit facilitates the creation of driver code enabling compute APIs.
See also
For more information about oneAPI Construction Kit (previously known as ComputeAorta) see Codeplay’s IWOCL talk.
To achieve these goals oneAPI Construction Kit is organized in a modular fashion. The oneAPI Construction Kit Architecture Block Diagram depicts the main components.

oneAPI Construction Kit Architecture Block Diagram
ComputeMux enables hardware vendors to support high-performance open standards implementations at a lower cost of entry, in less time, and with higher quality than feasible when starting from scratch. ComputeMux also makes oneAPI Construction Kit highly extensible, as new compute APIs may be implemented on-top of ComputeMux without dealing directly with hardware.
ComputeMux is a low-level component, the foundation, that enables oneAPI Construction Kit to support a wide variety of disparate hardware. To utilize hardware through ComputeMux, it is exposed as a target. Each target consists of an implementation of the ComputeMux Runtime API and of the ComputeMux Compiler API. The open standards provided by oneAPI Construction Kit are implemented in terms of these ComputeMux APIs.
See also
Mapping ComputeMux to Hardware describes how ComputeMux APIs can be mapped onto hardware.
To enable optimizations for a wide variety of hardware, the toolkit contains a set of standards-based components. Being able to plug-in existing solutions reduces development time for a target, as any areas where hardware lacks support can be filled in software with mature, rigorously tested code.
See also
Example Hardware Feature Scenarios shows how hardware specific features can be made available to the user in oneAPI Construction Kit for writing high performance code.
Now lets give some addition context to each component in the oneAPI Construction Kit Architecture Block Diagram.
ComputeMux Runtime
The runtime component is invoked by the application via open standards and is responsible for managing devices, such that device-side kernel code can be executed on them. These responsibilities include memory management, synchronization, and scheduling of commands for execution.
See also
See ComputeMux Runtime for full details.
Host Runtime
A ComputeMux Runtime API implementation targeting the CPU device on which the OpenCL or Vulkan driver is running. This includes implementation of entry points for:
- Memory Transfers
Reading, writing, copying, filling etc. memory buffers/images.
- Program Loading
Loading a kernel binary into the appropriate memory region so that it can be executed by the CPU.
- Scheduling
Distributing the work items executed by the kernel invocation across the threads of the CPU.
- Kernel Execution
Execution of the kernel program on the CPU.
- Synchronization
Coordination of signaling and waiting between memory access and execution on the CPU.
Custom Runtime
A Custom ComputeMux Runtime API implementation targeting an accelerator device, this includes implementation of entry points for:
- Memory Transfers
Reading, writing, copying, filling etc. memory buffers/images.
- Program Loading
Loading a kernel binary into the appropriate memory region so that it can be executed by the accelerator.
- Scheduling
Distributing the work items executed by the kernel invocation across the execution elements of the accelerator.
- Kernel Execution
Execution of the kernel program on the accelerator.
- Synchronization
Coordination of signaling and waiting between memory access and execution on the accelerator.
See also
See Runtime Information for details on implementing ComputeMux Runtime for a device.
Custom Driver
Custom target specific device driver used to implement the ComputeMux Runtime and communicate with the custom device.
ComputeMux Compiler
The compiler component is used to compile kernel code into a form which can be executed on the device via ComputeMux Runtime. oneAPI Construction Kit invokes the ComputeMux Compiler API either through an offline compilation tool or from the relevant compute API entry-points.
There are two modes of compilation:
- Online Compilation
In online mode, compilation of kernel code is performed during application runtime prior to being passed on to the ComputeMux Runtime for execution.
- Offline Compilation
In offline mode, compilation of kernel code is performed by a command-line tool prior to application runtime resulting in an object file. At application runtime the object file content is passed on to the ComputeMux Runtime for execution.
See also
See ComputeMux Compiler for full details.
Host Compiler
A ComputeMux Compiler API implementation targeting the CPU device on which the OpenCL or Vulkan driver is running.
Custom Compiler
A custom implementation of the ComputeMux Compiler API targeting a customer accelerator device. This may include target specific front, middle and back end compiler functionality.
See also
See Intermediate Representation for details of the IR a customer compiler is expected to process.
Front End
Generic front end compiler components including:
- Clang
The LLVM project’s C language compiler front end, used for consuming OpenCL C from the OpenCL API.
- SPIR-V Parser
An in house SPIR-V to LLVM IR translator for consuming SPIR-V from the OpenCL and Vulkan APIs.
Middle End
Generic middle end compiler functionality including:
- Preparation and Optimizations
In house and upstream execution model specific preparation compiler passes and optimizations that a target can use.
- Whole Function Vectorizer
An aggressive vectorization technique that is facilitated by the execution models of the low level compute APIs support by oneAPI Construction Kit.
Linking of any libraries including:
- Builtins
Any execution model specific buitlins required by the compute kernel to be executed.
- Math Library
An in house performant math library supporting common math operations for integers, 64-bit doubles as well as 16-bit and 32-bit floating point types.
Host Target Back End
CPU specific compiler backend codegen producing a binary object ready for execution on the CPU.
Custom Target Back End
Custom compiler backend codegen producing a binary object ready for execution on the custom device.
oneAPI Construction Kit provides OpenCL 1.2 or OpenCL 3.0 implemented in terms of ComputeMux Runtime and ComputeMux Compiler APIs. We support the following OpenCL extensions:
Integration of custom extensions for vendor hardware is supported.
oneAPI Construction Kit’s host implementation supports images and doubles in OpenCL 1.2.
Of the optional OpenCL 3.0 features oneAPI Construction Kit’s host implementation supports the Intermediate Language Programs feature and all core features in OpenCL 3.0.
oneAPI Construction Kit is designed to slot into a SYCL technology stack, as the OpenCL and Vulkan APIs exposed can be used as a SYCL Backend, or oneAPI Construction Kit can be used to write an implementation of SYCL directly to a system or device.
oneAPI Construction Kit has thoroughly tested integration with ComputeCpp, Codeplay’s implementation of the SYCL 1.2.1 and SYCL 2020 specifications. This allows SYCL applications to be run through oneAPI Construction Kit, encouraging the development of OpenCL extensions and optimizations in oneAPI Construction Kit that are of benefit to software using SYCL.
To learn more about ComputeCpp see the ComputeCpp Overview.
oneAPI Construction Kit provides a pre-conformant Vulkan driver implementing the compute subset of Vulkan 1.0 functionality.